Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs And Patterns

Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs
Christmas gift tags
Quilling paper art
Quilling paper art

Quilling Art on Christmas Gift Tags

Here’s a quick and easy way to make Christmas gift tags decorated with paper quilling art. If you have plenty of unused quilled items that are leftover from previous paper quilling projects, they will come in handy and ready to use. You may also want to make new quilling items for decorating the festive gift tags if you do not already have the quilled patterns.

The materials required to make the gift tags are:

  • A4 white plain paper (for printing)
  • A4 white drawing paper
  • 1 sheet green coloured paper
  • 1 sheet red coloured paper
  • Glue
  • Box cutter
  • Paper quilling shapes, flowers etc


To make printed text, open up Wordpad or any text editor software on the computer and type ‘Merry Christmas!’ (or your own greetings) on the first line. Select your own choice of font, change the font size to 14 and bold the text. Highlight and copy the text. Put the cursor at the end of the text and press the space bar about 15 times and paste the copied text on the same line. You should have two ‘Merry Christmas!’ text on one line like this:

Now copy all the text on the same line.

Leave two blank lines after the first line. Paste the copied text onto the next line and leave another two blank lines after it. Paste again and repeat until the page is filled up with text. Save the page (if necessary) and print out the text on the white plain paper. The printout should look something like this:

Note. ‘Merry Christmas!’ can also be handwritten if you do not have a printer.

Tear out the greetings
Tear out the greetings
Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs
Cut the coloured papers into squares
Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs
Drawing paper cut to size
Paste the greetings on the coloured squares
Paste the greetings on the coloured squares
Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs
Then paste onto drawing paper
Paper quilling items
Paper quilling items
Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs.
Decorate with paper quilling flowers and butterflies

Next ..

Take the printed sheet of paper and tear around every ‘Merry Christmas!’ words and you will get pieces of torn paper with the greetings on them.

Cut the coloured papers into red and green squares measuring 7cm by 7cm.

Next, cut the white drawing paper so that each piece measures 8cm by 10cm.

Paste each piece of the torn paper onto a red or green square. Then paste the red or green square the drawing paper.

Decorate with paper quilled flowers and other shapes. Use glue to attach the quilled items to the gift tags. Leave the glue to dry before using the gift tags.

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About Paper Quilling

If you do not know how to make the paper quilling items, free instructions on paper quilling designs and patterns are available from this link here and below to get you started:

If you want to get ideas on how to make more quilled flowers, butterflies and other objects, free paper quilling tutorials are here:

Christmas Gift Tags With Paper Quilling Designs
Zipper Coin Pouch
Zipper Coin Pouch

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Paper Quilling Christmas Gift Tags © 2012 lady rain

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